Wladimir Cárcamo Soto (b. in Puerto Montt) is a Chilean anthropologist and writer.[1][2][3] He has been a member of the Center for the Study of the Historical Heritage of the province of Llanquihue (CEPCH), and is also the author of two books of poetry, So we do bits and the other side of the wall, a novel circles in the water and an investigation entitled Sources for the study of indigenous cultures between the Rio Bueno and the Canal de Chacao (1544 - 1767) in the book of the first congress of history of Puerto Montt, edited by the Universidad de Los Lagos in 2003. Has been devoted to the study of indigenous cultures in the province of Llanquihue and the history of Puerto Montt. He has collaborated with articles for the newspaper El Llanquihue and the gong, Puerto Montt.